Google Strengthens Chrome: V8 Sandbox

After years of development, Google deploys V8 sandbox, adding a necessary layer of memory security to Chrome

V8’s complex mix of interpreters and optimizing compilers represent a playing field for hackers. Memory safety in hand-written runtime code usually isn’t enough, as bugs often originate in machine code generated by the engine.

Over the past three years, 60% of Chrome exploits granting remote code execution (RCE) began as V8 vulnerabilities.

Why Existing Memory Mitigations Were Not Enough

Memory-safe languages like Rust offers robust protection within the interpreter code. However, this safety guarantee doesn’t automatically extend to the optimizing just-in-time (JIT) compilers (V8). Often, attackers target the machine code produced by the compiler, exploiting logic flaws.

Hardware-based features like memory tagging are not entirely fool-proof. Side-channels within JavaScript could potentially leak tag values, reducing their effectiveness. More info in the research paper – “Hardware-Based Always-On Heap Memory Safety“.

The V8 Sandbox: A New Defense

The core strategy is to isolate V8’s heap memory, preventing corruption from spreading. Similar concept of the user-kernel space separation is used in modern operating systems. Key to this is sandboxing pointers:

Even if corrupted, sandboxed pointers can’t directly escape sandbox bounds.

The sandbox’s design solved more problems:

  • Strict bounds checks, to prevent cases where a corrupted value might create an invalid array index. V8 developers have already patched a significant number of bugs due to this. For example, a recent one.
  • Testing infrastructure. V8 exposes a ‘memory corruption API’ for testing.

In conclusion

The V8 Sandbox has already been enabled by default on 64-bit (specifically x64 and arm64) versions of Chrome on Android, ChromeOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows for roughly the last two years.

The announcement from V8 marks a major shift in JavaScript engine security (finally). As the sandbox matures, it’s likely to become a focus area for security researchers and vulnerability hunters.